The times when tooth extraction was accompanied by enormous pain and stress, are long gone. Nowadays, even the extraction of third grinder teeth, also known as “eighth teeth” or “wisdom teeth”, or removal of left over tooth roots, is carried out in perfect local anaesthesia. Thanks to this, the unpleasant, to say the least, experiences during the procedure, are reduced to the absolute minimum, and the patient, after having the wound managed, returns to normal life.
In dental surgery, we offer:
- Complicated extractions
- Surgical exposure of a retained tooth
- Extraction of wisdom and extra teeth
- Cutting off alveolar ridge
- Incision of abscess
- Frenoplasty
- Tooth apex resection.
The pain after the extraction usually recedes in a few hours, and painkillers prescribed by the doctor alleviate this pain as well.
Yes, this is possible thanks to the use of immediate dentures provided to the patient immediately after the tooth extraction.
No, an antibiotic is administered or prescribed only in the event of difficult extractions, in order to avoid complicated healing of the post-extraction wound.
Yes, for smokers, the risk of complicated healing of the post-surgical wound significantly increases, therefore, for the period of 24 hours after the extraction procedure, you should avoid smoking tobacco; in the event of painful and complicated healing, you might need to visit us again, in order to manage and dress the wound, using necessary medicines – such the visit is free of charge.