We understand that socially responsible business pays special attention to good relations with employees. The organisation’s success is dependent on the joint efforts of the management staff and the employees. The crucial matter is thus proper motivation of the employees and guaranteeing their safety (continuity of employment and good working conditions, among others, well-equipped work positions, the working space that is functional and compliant with safety regulations, guaranteeing the proper sanitary and social backroom facilities). The creation of proper working conditions contributes to positive relations with the employees and generates positive outcome (motivation to work, comfort, and trust towards the employer).
The team of Moto-Med implements the responsible medical policy through carrying out joint activities with patients and clients, in order to build CSR awareness.
We organise meetings, presentations and talks that let us make our clients aware of problems and prevent or solve them. Moreover, Moto-Med continually modifies company materials, to enable easy access to CSR knowledge in each process realised with the Client.
Moto-Med carries out its activity through involving its employees in the realisation of CSR strategy. Moreover, our Company supports our personnel’s involvement in the implementation of social policy.
Moto-Med carries out activity aiming at minimising the negative impact of its business activity on the natural environment.
The minimisation of such negative impact is done through the use of energy-efficient devices, ecological products, as well as through reducing waste through its proper management and utilisation.